Fiche cheval king of the jungle

R5C8 du

platnewcastle1000M6626handicap c69 partantsdépart à 19:30
19king of the jungleH4(23)1p0p4p8pjoanna mason/101:00
22urban dandyH43p(23)3p4p4ptom eaves/11/2 l
34phoenix starH89p(23)5p6p2pethan jones/11 l
47another angelH105p(23)7p7p0pcam hardie/11/2 l
58henery hawkH5(23)6p6p2p1pcallum shepherd/11 l 1/4
61dark crusadeH4(23)5p9p4p3pdavid nolan/11/2 l
73glorious rioH77p(23)5p0p6pbrandon wilkie/11 l 1/2
86bernie the bearH4(23)1p4p1p4ptommie jakes/1encolure
95golden rainbowH50p(23)7p0p6palistair rawlinson/15 l

R5C9 du

platkempton park1200M6974handicap (class 6)12 partantsdépart à 20:30
11the cola kidH61p3p4p7p3pkevin stott/101:12
28purple poppyF53p4p8p2p2pgeorgia dobie/11/2 l
36diamondsinthesandH66p5p2p4p2pfinley marsh/11 l 1/2
410bama lamaF54p6p7p8p1poliver searle/11/2 l
54agapantherF47p5p6p5p5pbilly loughnane/11 l 1/4
65bluebells boyH48p2p5p4p5pdavid probert/1nez
72wadi baniH34p5p7p0p8ptom queally/11/2 l
83rhubarbF63p1p6p6p3pcallum shepherd/13/4 l
911liberty bayF5Tp5p3p7p6paidan keeley/11 l 1/2
107king of the jungleH34p8p3p8p7pbilly garritty/11 l 1/2
119star adornedF34p0p7p6p4pwilliam carver/13/4 l
1212musaytirH50p7p0p8p8pkieran o'neill/11 l 3/4
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